
Reworkit with Jess Wass

I'm a Career Coach and the CEO & Founder of Reworkit, a transformational coaching company. I specialize in helping overachievers find the best place to work and helping organizations become the best place to work. As a certified Coach with a Masters in Organizational Psychology, I love to break down complex ideas into digestible and actionable steps that will improve your life and your relationship with work.

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Reworkit with Jess Wass - Back from my European Adventure...

Hi Reader! Sorry if I'm been quiet the last week or two, I just got back to town after a little European vacation. I stopped in Amsterdam and fell in love with the city. I started looking up real estate prices immediately and tried to convince my partner to let us rent a place for 3 months this summer lol. Then we went to Warsaw, Poland to visit my brother, his new wife, and their new baby. I am officially an Aunt for the first time!! And no rest for me as I have a very full client roster, a...

Inside the Mind of Jess Wass - Exciting News, New Year, New Name!

Hi Reader! I'm thrilled to kick off 2024 by sharing some incredibly exciting news that I've been eagerly working on for the past few months. So, without further ado, here it is... Drumroll, Please... Introducing "Reworkit"! Yes, you read that right! I have decided to rebrand my coaching and consulting company from "Jess Wass Coaching & Consulting" to the vibrant and dynamic "Reworkit." Now, you might be curious about the choice of the name "Reworkit." Allow me to share the inspiration behind...

Inside the Mind of Jess Wass - What's your secret dream?

Hi Reader! You’ll never be a playwright if you’ve never written a play. I was talking to a potential client the other day and in our conversation they mentioned they used to love writing. When they were younger, they even won awards for their writing. Now they have a secret dream of being a playwright. But yet their career had nothing to do with writing and they found it hard to carve out time to do anything on the side related to writing. This is so common. And I’ve gone through the same...

Inside the Mind of Jess Wass - Exploring Flexible Work

Hi Reader! Labor Day has come and went, which means the unofficial end of summer has arrived. Personally, I'm a Fall lover so I'm not sad to see summer go, but I acknowledge that I may be an outlier here 😇. Summer brought a ton of new coaching business my way as people started to reflect on their work life and realized they were ready to finally make a change. Thanks for putting up with all my messages around my Career Clarity Coaching Program over the last few weeks. It was a huge success 🎉!...

Inside the Mind of Jess Wass - Who Am I Beyond the Work?

Hi Reader! We spend so much time working that it can often feel like we ARE our work. You know what I mean. When you meet someone new, you often default to asking that person right away "What do you do?" But each of us are more than just our work. I had the opportunity to think more about this lately and wanted to share "What's Important to Me Beyond the Work". This is also perfect timing as I've had a lot of new subscribers join our newsletter this month. So here's a deeper dive into some...

Inside the Mind of Jess Wass - Job Search Tips

Hi Reader! This month’s focus is all about career clarity. Next month we’ll shift our focus towards company culture, so stay tuned for that content if that's more relevant for you. As you have probably heard by now, I’m currently registering new clients for my last Career Clarity Coaching Program cohort of 2023. If you know someone who could use some help finding more clarity, purpose, and redirection in their career over the course of 90 days, then send them my information or the link above....

Inside the Mind of Jess Wass - A Happiness Portfolio

Hi Reader! Did you know that I used to be a huge pessimist? Back in college, I was part of the Student Union. We'd start off each meeting sharing some good news or a good thought and I was known to have the opposite lol. In fact so much that at the end of the year I received the superlative "Most Likely to Have No Good News and No Good Thoughts". I thought it was cute. But over the years, I grew weary of my own negativity. And most importantly...I wasn't happy. So I decided to change....

Free Workshop: How to Actually Find a Job Where You'll Be Happy

Why is it so many of us have trouble finding happiness and fulfillment in our jobs? We could blame it on our companies (and there is a lot that organizations can improve), but that's not in our control at the moment. So what can YOU do to actually help yourself find more happiness in your career? JOIN ME in my upcoming free virtual workshop on "How to Actually Find a Job Where You'll Be Happy" which I'm hosting live THIS FRIDAY, July 28th from 12-1 PM ET (9-10 AM PT). Sign Up Here to Join In...

Inside the Mind of Jess Wass - Have You Heard the News?

Hi Reader! We have so much to celebrate this week and wow did it come at a great time. June was a tough month for me personally with two deaths in the family, one of which I wrote about in this newsletter edition. June reminded me to enjoy life and cherish the time you have with friends and family now because tomorrow isn't promised to any of us. It also recommitted me to the work I do here which is all about empowering people to thrive at work...because we spend too much time at work to be...