Inside the Mind of Jess Wass - Who Am I Beyond the Work?

Hi Reader!


We spend so much time working that it can often feel like we ARE our work.

You know what I mean. When you meet someone new, you often default to asking that person right away "What do you do?"

But each of us are more than just our work.

I had the opportunity to think more about this lately and wanted to share "What's Important to Me Beyond the Work".

This is also perfect timing as I've had a lot of new subscribers join our newsletter this month.

So here's a deeper dive into some things you may not know about me...

Watch the slideshow to get the full version, but here are the cliff notes:

β˜€οΈ I consider myself a realist...and realistically there are positive things happening all around you if you just give them your attention.

😻 I'm now a cat person...I lost my cat in September last year and I miss my co-worker. Hopefully I'll be able to make space for another cat to join our home soon.

🧱 I love playing with LEGO...but it wasn't always easy being a female who liked a toy that was marketed primarily towards males. Now, I embrace my interests regardless of what others may think.

🩷 I play the long game with relationships...I've known my fiancé since high school, but we didn't get together until later in life. People come in and out of our lives and I've learned to embrace it rather than resent it.


Now it's your turn. Reply back and tell me who YOU are beyond your work. And if you are having trouble figuring out who you are aside from your work, reach out and let's help you reconnect with your full self.


It's the last week to join my final Career Clarity Coaching Program for 2023 and I only have 1 spot left! In case you missed it, this is an intimate community & group coaching program where I help individuals find more clarity, purpose, and redirection in their career over the course of 90 days.

There is also one final bonus offer for you: Pay in full when you join the program and get an exclusive 60-min 1:1 Coaching session with me to use anytime during the program. You must commit and join the program by end of day Friday, Sept 1st to qualify for the offer.

Interested in joining? Know someone who needs some career clarity help? Schedule a Consultation call with me ASAP this week.


This week I had the pleasure of kicking off a new Manager Training series for a new non-profit client.

This is one of my favorite programs to run because not all Managers had the luxury in their career to be formally trained on how to manage and lead others.

Most folks were left to figure it out on their own and learn from those around them (regardless of whether they had good or bad examples to learn from).

And even for those who have been managing a long time, its an opportunity to reflect on what has changed over the last few years and to recommit to the best practices they know they should be engaging in.

This month's session was focused on exploring what it means to be a "good" manager and how to set up an effective 1:1 meeting so that you have the time, space, and intentionality to show up as that "good" manager regularly.

Jess's Tip: Have an agenda template for your 1:1 meetings to help your direct report put some thought into what they want to discuss and to have a record of your time together which you can look back on come performance review season.

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