Reworkit with Jess Wass - Back from my European Adventure...

Hi Reader!

Sorry if I'm been quiet the last week or two, I just got back to town after a little European vacation.

I stopped in Amsterdam and fell in love with the city. I started looking up real estate prices immediately and tried to convince my partner to let us rent a place for 3 months this summer lol.

Then we went to Warsaw, Poland to visit my brother, his new wife, and their new baby. I am officially an Aunt for the first time!!

And no rest for me as I have a very full client roster, a corporate offsite in Napa I'm currently planning, plus a few more workshop requests for end of April and May.


But don't worry, I won't leave you hanging, so I have one special opportunity for you to connect with me.

I wanted to invite you join me for a webinar I am hosting with The Career Contessa on Tuesday.

Webinar: How to Manage Up Effectively

You’ve heard the term “manage up”, but what does it actually mean? And how will it help you nab that promotion you’ve been hoping for or even make life at your current job more tolerable?

In this webinar, led by me in partnership with Career Contessa, you’ll learn the ins and outs of managing up effectively.

I’ll share my unique framework for managing up, including how to leverage the 3 Ps of proactive communication, and help you level up your work.

Join me on Tuesday, March 26, 2024 from 12-1 PM PST/ 3-4 PM EST where I’ll walk you through everything you need to know about this game changing skill set!

Can't make it live? No worries! Sign up anyways and you'll get access to the replay of the recording so you don't have to miss anything!

See you there!



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