Inside the Mind of Jess Wass - Have You Heard the News?

Hi Reader!

We have so much to celebrate this week and wow did it come at a great time. June was a tough month for me personally with two deaths in the family, one of which I wrote about in this newsletter edition.

June reminded me to enjoy life and cherish the time you have with friends and family now because tomorrow isn't promised to any of us.

It also recommitted me to the work I do here which is all about empowering people to thrive at work...because we spend too much time at work to be miserable.

And now, we have lots to celebrate because...I've been featured in not one, but TWO (2) major news publications this week: The Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg!!

Just 5 years ago I was miserable in my full-time startup job and finally determined to make a big change in my life. Seeing my name in these publications reminds me that while the progress was slow, it was still progress.

And in the end it was all worth it because I'm happy, calm, healthy, and excited about my life and my work. Now I want you to feel the same.

If you want to make some changes in your life and career, stay tuned over the next few weeks as I get ready to announce the next cohort opening for my Career Clarity Coaching Program, an intimate community & group coaching program where I help individuals find more clarity, purpose, and redirection in their career over the course of 90 days.

Sign up for the waitlist (click above button) to be the first to hear more information about this program and to get access to exclusive pricing and bonuses if you decide to join.

Press Highlights

Wall Street Journal Press Mention

Hack Your Workweek to Leave Early on Summer Fridays

Don't have an official Summer Friday policy at your workplace? No worries, you can still make space to leave early and enjoy the extra sunshine by following the tips I share in this article. This article is all about how you can start your weekend a bit early this summer (and maybe even continue using these tips into the Fall). And if you like these tips and want more detailed advice, you can check out my free masterclass on this topic.

Bloomberg Press Mention

Meta’s Threads is Fun and Friendly, But Won’t Land You a Job — Yet

Have you downloaded Threads yet? I gave my two cents about whether Threads can be as helpful to navigating your career as say LinkedIn or TikTok have been. But even more exciting is that I was able to get one of my clients placement in this article as well which is great for their career pivot!

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